Ice storm


We’ve been having a spectacular ice storm the past few days. Birches bend at the waist, oak trees groan under heavy blades of ice. As breathtakingly beautiful this crystalline world looks, I have to admit I’m really struggling this holiday season…to be as joyful as I know I should be…to be the parent I want to be. I can feel my soul bending under the ice.

Today was the first day that I felt better, more like myself again. It took several weeks of examining all the parts of my life. It took:

  • putting together a self-care plan
  • cutting back on outside work
  • admitting I couldn’t do it all and be a calm, patient mother
  • getting some alone time
  • asking for help to get said alone time
  • journaling a ton
  • doing The Work
  • getting in a few walks a week
  • accepting that am a creative rainbow mother
  • questioning my expectations of my children
  • getting out to the thrift store–got a few games and books to combat cabin fever

And lastly, cutting myself some slack. Some food for thought.

The weather forecast says sunshine up ahead.